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Watch the workshop below 

Where I go into detail about the Elite 7, how I developed it for Gearbunch & walk you through each phase.

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Take the Masterclass

Only $297

One single payment. No subscriptions, no up-sells.

Automated Email Profits


Step By Step

Master the AEP system Step by step - Just follow along. Look over Dan's shoulder every step of the way.

A Complete System

The Masterclass has everything you need to set your entire AEP system up from scratch. Complete with templates & cheatsheets.

Learn At Your Pace

Skip lessons or follow every video. Navigate ahead or pick up where you left off. You are in control of the pace of the course.

Supercharge Your Sales.

 Drive more customers through your entire funnel, increase open rates and click-throughs, decrease unsubscribe rates, and generate an average 30% in additional revenue.



Take the Masterclass

Tested, Proven, Automated.

Your secret weapon - the AEP system. 

The Automated Email Profits system consistently delivers an average 30% sales increase no matter the size of your business. 


Your competitors won't know what hit them.

Take the Masterclass